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Implementing a Packet

To implement a custom packet you will need to use the annotations like in the Join Game Packet for protocol 756:

@ProtocolPacket(0x26) // The @ProtocolPacket annotations specifies the packet id
@Serializable // The @Serializable is the kotlinx.serialization annotation to enable serialization for this class
public data class JoinGamePacket(
val entityId: Int,
val isHardcore: Boolean,
val gameMode: GameMode, // You can pass enums with @ProtocolEnum annotation to be serialized with the packet
val previousGameMode: PreviousGameMode,
val worlds: List<Identifier>,
@ProtocolNbt val dimensionCodec: DimensionCodec, // You can use the @ProtocolNbt annotation to specify the Nbt codec
@ProtocolNbt val dimension: Dimension,
val world: Identifier,
val hashedSeed: Long,
val maxPlayers: VarInt,
val viewDistance: VarInt,
val reducedDebugInfo: Boolean,
val enableRespawnScreen: Boolean,
val isDebug: Boolean,
val isFlat: Boolean,
) : JavaPacket

@ProtocolEnum // The @ProtocolEnum annotation is used to enable the enum serialization
@ProtocolVariant(Variant.Byte) // The @ProtocolVariant specifies the type of the enum
public enum class PreviousGameMode {
@ProtocolValue(-1) Unknown, // The @ProtocolValue annotation specifies the value of the enum
@ProtocolValue(0) Survival,
@ProtocolValue(1) Creative,
@ProtocolValue(2) Adventure,
@ProtocolValue(3) Spectator;

public fun toGameMode(): GameMode? {
return when (this) {
Unknown -> null
else -> GameMode.values()[ordinal]

public enum class GameMode {
@ProtocolValue(0) Survival,
@ProtocolValue(1) Creative,
@ProtocolValue(2) Adventure,
@ProtocolValue(3) Spectator;

You can use @ProtocolJson to specify the json codec for the field as the same you can use @ProtocolNbt.

You will also need to add it to the PacketRegistry in the codec:

val codec = MinecraftCodec {
protocolVersion = 756
packetRegistry = createPacketRegistry {
// ...other packets
// ...other configs